Saturday, July 11, 2009

Indigestive Blogging

Too much pizza tonight. I have no reason to really feel guilty about indulging tonight, yet guilty is what I feel. Last night it was oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Around 10pm I decided to make them...and ate about a dozen....and then had more for breakfast this morning. But I don't have any reason to feel guilty. I've been working out hard lately - if anything, I could stand to put on a few pounds. Yet guilty I feel.

What else...what else....sometimes I wish I had one interest (like other bloggers) that I could focus on solely and write daily blogs about just that one topic. I guess I could start a different blog for each subject that interests me. No, the problem with that would not be coming up with things to say or keeping track of each blog. No, the problem would be: a) deciding WHICH subjects are interesting enough to me to be worth writing about regularly, b) not getting bored by these subjects, and c) not obsessively fretting over whether or not those subjects are truly my primary interests and if people will define me by those interests.

I signed up for Twitter last night. I'm not sure why....I suppose I was mostly curious. It's pretty interesting to follow famous people/musicians/etc that one is interested in. Someday people will hang on my every "tweet," just you wait....

September is shaping up to be a spectacular month. First - we have both the college and pro football seasons kicking off. As I say on an almost daily basis, the wretched NBA and NHL seasons seem to last year round - they taunt me as they drag on while the too-short football seasons barely get 4-5 months. I'm excited about both my Canes and Bears this year.

Second, we have Oktoberfest -- my favorite season for beer drinking....although, I do LOVE a nice cold summer lager at the end of a hot day....oh's 11:30 and I'm about to go to sleep, but one of those sounds GREAT right now!

Third, music: Pearl Jam, Muse, and Alice In Chains are all scheduled to release new albums in the month of September.

Still no news on the mystery spot the doctor removed from my temple. But apparently I've had an allergic reaction to either the bandage or the polysporin I was using on the wound. I now have a vibrantly nasty colony of bumps surrounding the little craterous area where the potential cancer once lived. This has happened before...but I thought polysporin was okay and Neosporin was the suspect....hmmm.....apparently the list of odd things I'm allergic to is still growing...

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