Monday, March 9, 2009

Conspiracies Abound

Here's to the most boring spring break ever. I think I have managed to relax a little, though, which is a good thing...and "all part of the plan."

I have not seen "The Watchmen" yet, so I cannot comment on it. But I did buy the new U2 album. I was skeptical of the positive early reviews, especially a few accounts which proclaimed it some of their finest work ever. It only took the first track to impress me. On one hand the album reminds me of their Joshua Tree days - but with a modern style and production. On the other hand I feel like it is a very good summation of their body of work to this point. Like virtually all U2 albums, there are still arguably one or two "duds," but this time around each song reveals different layers upon further listening. I keep expecting the band to hit the wall as they age and become irrelevant. Thankfully they have managed to avoid that fate.

2009 has to be the windiest year I can recall! Seriously! Is this another one of those things where I'm the only person who sees it? For the last 2+ months we have had an inordinate amount of windy days. Probably enough to last an entire year. I want studies done on this. I want it politicized. I want vast amounts of tax-payer money spent on dubious and conflicting research projects. I want people guilted and frightened into taking action to stop the Wind Phenomenon. I want corporations punished for contributing to wind. I want ego-maniacs to run around grandstanding and giving speeches about it. I want nations to give up their sovereignty to pathetically inept (and corrupt) psuedo-world-governing-agencies. I want propaganda! I want book deals! I want supermodels to feed me grapes on tropical islands! a my ideas crossed....

I stayed up very late last night. Normally I'm asleep by 11 or 11:30. But last night there was a two hour show on the History channel called Ancient Aliens. It was about "Alien Astronaut Theory." Basically it discussed the theory that aliens have been contacting and communicating with human civilizations throughout history. It pointed to written accounts as well as artifacts and more obvious structures such as pyramids and the massive lines drawn in the Nazca (spelling?) plateau. I don't really have any conclusions or arguments to make about that. Because...what's the point? I'd be just like the people on the show, or the people I used to sit in English Literature classes with -- repeating what has already been said, what is obvious, or otherwise can be easily discernerned all under the subconscious facade of making oneself look and sound intelligent. was an interesting little show. It seems that the discussion of UFOs and alien life has changed over the years. We used to wonder if they were invaders like in a 1960s sci-fi movie. Then we wondered if they were real or just secret government projects/hallucinations. Now we seem to be wondering when some global conspiracy will be revealed.

But enough about that....I need to get going and accomplish something today.

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