Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nights of High Tension

Well, last night was another of my random sleepless, high-blood-pressure, paranoia-filled nights where I wonder what's wrong with me and if my heart is just going to randomly stop beating. It all started earlier in the evening while watching tv. If one's heartbeat were like a hand gently rapping at a steady pace on a door, all of a sudden it was like the hand gave 3 or 4 faster, pounding raps and then went back to normal. After that I kept checking my BP, which over the next few hours ranged minute to minute from normal (125/75) to 135/85 to 150/96, but typically hovering in the 140/90 range. I hadn't been stressed or nervous or even had caffeine. I had my (mostly) sleepless night and this morning took my BP again -- it was still around 140/90 -- then dropped to 135/85 after a couple of minutes.

It's times like these that I wonder if I will survive my 30s. If my BP is this crazy now -- what will happen when I have a stressful job and wife and kids and mortgage?

Anyway...last night was the Battlestar Galactica series finale. I know none of my friends watch the show, so there's not much point in commenting on it here. Nevertheless, it was a pretty solid ending. I've found that most often when my favorite shows come to an end, the final episodes feel forced and lifeless or are just completely unsatisfying. Seinfeld, anyone?

Well, maybe it's my high/erratic blood pressure this morning, but I can't seem to stay focused writing this. Can't seem to stay interested in typing things.... like if your favorite team were playing and the game was on tv, but you had the stomach you had a hard time caring as much as normal or even watching the game. And instead you just went into the bathroom and laid down on the tile floor and wished you felt normal so that you could care about the game like you knew you should.

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