Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fashion Pet Peeves

Yesterday did not go very well. Here's to a brighter Sunday for everyone. And, randomly, a list of some of my Fashion Pet Peeves:

1. The whole 80s-fashion-is-cool thing that the high schoolers and college kids have going on these days. Makes me wanna puke.

2. Guys in their mid to late 20s who overdress for social occasions as a way of expressing how successful they think they are. i.e. A guy who makes 35K a year but who schmoozes with the local big shots so he shows up to the moderately upscale watering hole to hang out with friends his own age dressed like either Tom Brady in a GQ ad or a high profile defense lawyer walking into court.

3. Dudes who wear wife-beaters out in public on a regular basis.

4. Girls with the giant sunglasses. The sight of these cockpit-window-panes instantly knocks 50 points off a girl's IQ and their whiny, nasally, Paris Hilton voices can be heard complaining about the crowds at the mall with the same level of despair as refugees lamenting their devastated homelands.

5. Hippies and anything they wear.

6. Girls with the short 80s haircuts (ex: abruptly cut off at mid-ear with goofy upward arcing line around the back). Let's learn from the mistakes of the past, not repeat them.

7. Jorts and sandals. Especially when worn during promotional photo shoots by college football stars who receive obama-ish levels of extreme hype and hero-worship (but at least those stars have actually done something - oh snap!).

8. Tight clothes on overweight people.

9. Huge clothes on skinny people.

10. When guys wear shorts outside and it's below 40 degrees

11. When grown women dress like they are 9.

12. Pink polo shirts. Especially if you are in college, a fraternity, or spend a lot of time either at the gym or in the bathroom putting gel in your hair.

13. When women who are at least moderately attractive wear 1-piece bathing suits. Why are these things still around?

14. Crocs. They're neon-colored, plastic slippers!

15. Those hats that my father would call "Tammies" that the emo crowd like to wear. I always see the singer from Fall Out Boy wearing one. Are you a 70 year old man from Scotland? Is it the 1800s? No? Then take off the hat and lose those skinny jeans. Be a man!

16. Popped collars unless being popped ironically for comical Euro-trash model poses.

17. Those big, furry looking boots I see a lot of girls wearing lately.

That's all I have for now (that are appropriate for this forum...I had to edit a few out). Feel free to add your own in the comment section - or the comments on whatever social networking site this is linked to.


  1. How about a super-shaggy hair on guys?

  2. Ah, so it's "Abominations of Fashion that Rick Doesn't Specifically Wear?" My bad...

  3. I'm guilty of number 8 and 14. Size short and portly is hard to find so I settle for size could be a little larger. Plus I just had a baby six months ago...fact not an excuse. I usually only wear crocs as house shoes though and only in the color black.

    I worry about what bills the overdressed guy isn't paying to afford that outfit.

  4. My shaggy hair is NOT an abomination!

    Sorry, didn't realize you two had been commenting on here this week. I didn't think it would be any trouble keeping up with having 2 different places where the blog is posted and 3 possible places for comments.

    Oh, and Deanna I was thinking more along the lines of, say, Chris Farley wearing spandex pants and a skin-tight t-shirt.

  5. Sweat shirt and shorts!
    And cut off shorts on a man for any reason is unacceptable unless they plan on being in the sequeal remake of "Miami Vice!"
